Are you ready for it?

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I like First Nations stories. They carry the wisdom and power that is quite different from what I have been brought up with. They are simple with the simplicity of nature; easy to see and mysterious at the same time.

There is one First Nations myth that really appeals to me. It goes like that:

One day the Creator gathered all of the creations and said, “There is something I want to hide from humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they can create their own life and their own reality. Where should I hide it?” The eagle said, “Give it to me; I’ll take it high up to the moon and hide it there.” The Creator said, “No, one day they will go the moon and will find it.” The salmon offered, “Give it to me; I’ll hide it deep in the bottom of the sea.” “No, they’ll get there too,” said the Creator. The buffalo came and spoke, “Give it to me; I’ll bury it in the plains.” The Creator said, “No, they will get there. They will cut into the skin of the earth, and they will find it even there.” But then Grandmother mole came, the one that has no physical eyes and cannot see on the outside but has spiritual eyes and the capacity to see on the inside, and she said, “Hide it inside them; they’ll never find it there.” And the Creator said, “You’re right. It is done.”

I am not sure if this indeed is a First Nations story. They didn’t write their stories, they told them. The account might be sometimes distorted, sometimes different from the original meaning, sometimes not even coming from them. But I like it nevertheless.

I cannot even recall how many times I heard my clients complaining about being not good enough, lacking something, being incomplete, or faulty. They often believe that everybody around them knows something that they cannot see, possesses a wisdom or a secret that they don’t have, is smarter, more capable, lucky.

Quite often the biggest surprise that awaits them in my office is a discovery that they and only they have the capacity to shape their own world; that only they are responsible for their own life. They are completely astonished to learn their own power, abilities, limitlessness. If they only want to see it, that is. Some do and embrace their new-learned knowledge with passion and gratitude. Some don’t and remain locked in the magic circle of blame, victimhood, and hopelessness.

I often wonder, why? Why some of us are so open to new possibilities and own power while others don’t want to see it, no matter what? I am afraid, I will never find the true answer to that question. There are already so many answers anyway: genes, family system, life experiences, childhood traumas, social conditioning, spiritual beliefs; I am sure you can add more to the list.

After all, it doesn’t really matter. What really matter is an answer to the question: “are you ready for it?”

By Eva Sadowski

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